It is not at all difficult to apply for credit cards from Chase in the USA. You just need to do so through the appropriate online channels. The problem is that many do not know what to choose. There is not much to talk about when referring to how to apply for credit cards from Chase Bank as the process is pretty straightforward. However, we should also discuss the two types that you might want to take out so you know exactly what to choose. The choices are not at all hard to make. You just need patience.
Chase Freedom
The Chase Freedom credit card is available only for potential clients that have a really good credit history. Zero delinquent accounts need to be present and no bankruptcy suffered. If you spend $500 in the first 3 months, you receive a $100 bonus and an extra $25 is available after the very first authorized user addition.
For the first fifteen months you will have 0% APR on all balance transfers and purchases. If you make purchases from Kohl’s or buy from gas stations till October 2014, you get 5% cash back up to a maximum of $1,500. Every 3 months clients will receive new 5% cashback options. All other purchases bring in a 1% cash back. There is no annual fee included and rewards will never expire.
Chase Slate
Chase Slate is the second credit card available for you. Less interest is paid and you can save on new purchases and balances. $0 introductory balance transfer fee is included for up to 2 months after you get the card. After the period expires, a minimum fee of $5 is necessary, which means 3% of the balance transfer.
How To Apply For Credit Cards From Chase Bank
All that you have to do is click here. Choose the type of credit card you want and then click the Apply button. In the event that you need more information or you have questions that you want to ask, use the Chase support page. A representative of Chase will get in touch and will answer all your questions.