New Local Businesses Should Consider These Marketing Tips

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By Boris Dzhingarov

As a new local business that needs marketing, everything will be very difficult. Marketing in an effective way can only be done with a constant awareness of everything that is happening in the industry. 2017 is definitely a year of innovation. Anything can happen. However, if you are interested in taking your marketing efforts to a whole new level, you need to seriously consider the following.

Use Expertise For Blogging

In the event you have been in the industry for a longer time you surely have expertise. That expertise needs to be used in blogging in order to increase business authority. Through blogging you can use SEO and other marketing forms in order to get the business noticed. What is really important is to remain focused on quality as you blog for the company.

It is generally better to post a very good blog post every single week. However, when the content is not valuable the readers will not be interested. Blogging effectiveness should be based on informative and exciting content. Industry experts can help a lot but generally there is someone in the company that is going to do most such work.

Taking Advantage Of Mobile Technology

Mobile technology has a huge impact on strategies in marketing. In 2017 we can expect to have access to many interesting mobile promotion methods at a local level. This includes text message marketing, which is constantly growing in popularity.

Many new local businesses do not think about using mobile marketing. That is why you can take full advantage of the opportunity. SMS marketing services are going to offer all the software that you need in order to get in touch with potential new customers.

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Personalizing Social Media Marketing

When thinking about online marketing effectiveness we need to look at social media marketing as an important step. Even the local small businesses should not become complacent. Personalized marketing is very important. You need to use tools to track consumer behavior and properly target the very best possible audience. This can be as simple as actually using customer name in an email message you send out or as complex as individual targeting through Facebook or similar social networks.

Visual Strategies

When we look at social media, live streaming quickly took off and it is easy to understand why since people are looking for human interaction when connecting with brands. Videos and live feeds are particularly effective in local marketing. No matter what you create, you need to have some sort of visual strategy in place so that you can connect with potential customers.

Email Marketing

Unfortunately, many new businesses think that email marketing is a thing of the past. Make sure that you never underestimate how effective email marketing is. This is still a wonderful tool that can be used. What you might not know is that close to 90% of the adults in US do not mind receiving promotional emails if they receive emails from the companies that they already had contact with in the past. The big problem appears when looking at unsolicited emails. This is something you should never use.