Should You Blog About Your Cooking Experience?

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By Boris Dzhingarov

We have hundreds – if not thousands – of recipes available on our apps and this website. You can browse through different cooking tips, which means you can experiment with a lot of these recipes in your kitchen, even when you have no experience in cooking before. There are also plenty of other resources to help you cook better.

Many of you are considering starting your own cooking blog. Blogging about the experiments you do in your kitchen can be very exciting. So, is starting your own cooking blog a good idea? The answer to this question is a big yes and here are some of the reasons why.

Your Own Unique Perspective

Even when you are following a recipe from an app, there are still parts of the experiment that’s entirely your own. Your view of cooking, your personal preferences and even some twists you may add to the recipe are all very interesting to explore. We definitely need more people telling their side of the story, which is why blogging about your cooking experience is a great idea, whether you use WordPress or ETG.

You can also take it a step further and use videos instead of articles. Videos are much more immersive and easier to follow. Some of the larger websites are working with creative agencies to produce cooking videos and animations, but you can always start with shooting one on your smartphone and uploading the video to YouTube.

Helps You Stay Motivated

While cooking is very exciting, there are times when you just don’t want to enter the kitchen. Maintaining your own blog is a great way to stay motivated. After a few posts, your audience will actually start waiting for your next cooking adventure. You will also get questions and positive responses on social media.

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Don’t just stop at trying new recipes. You can share your own kitchen secrets, tips and tricks, and even explore other topics such as how to keep the kitchen clean and tidy. You can also branch out to topics outside of cooking if you want; for example, you can share the way other people react upon trying your dishes.

A Great Way to Get Better

Practice makes perfect. As you cook more and try more recipes, you will also be sharpening your basic cooking skills and even discovering your own twists along the way. That’s the beauty of cooking. A simple recipe can be turned into a dish that screams “you” with just a few additions. Even better, the cooking basics we often talk about on this site are also very easy to master.

Again, the key here is sharing your experience. The viewers will relate better to your side of the story and not just another generic cooking article. Don’t hesitate to be very personal when writing or making video blogs. Share your true passion for cooking and you will be training yourself – and getting better – as you try more recipes and blog about your cooking experience more.

Did we mention how easy – and free – it is to start a blog? With so many benefits to enjoy, there is no reason why you should not start with your own cooking blog today.