Simple Tips To Improve Business Presentations

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By Boris Dzhingarov

There are so many different situations in the modern business environment in which presentations are necessary. It does not matter if you deliver them to senior management, venture capitalists, general audience or a group of people that would offer feedback. The business presentation is not just about the slides that you will create. It is about everything that you do. The tips below can help you to considerably improve the presentation so seriously consider them.

Establishing Credibility First

Captivating an audience is always hard. The most important first step that you have to take when you meet your audience is to establish credibility. This does not mean that you have to make a long presentation about career highlights. You can use a really short story about the background related to what you are presented. You can share an experience. You can reveal the work behind a product that is to be presented. The possibilities are endless and the idea is to establish credibility instead of having the hope that it happens.

Present A Goal Early

The audience has to know the goal or the purpose of a presentation as soon as possible. This increases the possibility of relating as material is presented. When you do that, it will be easier to get that action that you want from the audience, ranging from funding to getting your initiative accepted. That also helps you to shape a presentation so that the main purpose can be achieved.

Using Support Material

Credibility is not enough to make a point. You have to prove that what you say is accurate. Contrary to popular belief, support material and proof does not necessarily need to be included in the slides. It needs to be mentioned in the speaking notes.

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A technique that works really well is to introduce ideas or topics with full screen images or quotations that evoke what you present. This is an alternative to using the stock slide titles that are way more used than they should be.

Be Ready For The Questions That Are To Be Asked

One of the most important parts of a business presentation is not the presentation. You can easily work on it so that it becomes perfect. The big problem appears in the Q&A session that normally appears after. You need to get ready for the questions that are particularly tough.

Consider objections and concerns in order to think about what questions will appear. If you are prepared for the tough ones, you will be able to make a better impression.

Keep in mind that there is also the possibility that questions will not be asked. If there is no person that asks a question, you can easily ask your own. For instance, you can easily say things like “In most cases I am asked if…” or maybe “You be wondering about…”

After The Q&A

You want to always end the presentation on your own note. After the Q&A, make sure that you add a short closing. That helps you to summarize everything and pinpoint the main messages. This is where the call to action is most effective. You can add a slide for this or simply do it verbally.