Franchising is a form of business ownership in which an entity known as a franchisor licenses its brand name and system to an individual known as a franchisee, typically providing training and ongoing support from their end.
Before deciding whether franchising is right for you, it is crucial that you become acquainted with its regulations in the US.
Legal Requirements
The franchise industry is heavily regulated both federally and state law. At a federal level, the FTC Franchise Rule mandates that franchisors provide potential franchisees with an information-packed Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). This FDD should include such details as franchisor’s business experience and litigation history, fees and costs, trademarks, restrictions on sources of products or services from sources other than their own provider as well as termination and renewal rights rights and financial performance representations to allow franchisees an opportunity to review this document prior to entering a franchise agreement – periodic updates should also take place.
At the state level, franchise registration and franchise relationship laws supplement federal requirements. Regulating states typically mandate that franchisors include state specific information in their Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD), as well as obtain approval prior to offering franchises in that state. Furthermore, many states have passed laws specifically targeting franchisor-franchisee relationships as well as providing additional protections for franchisees despite what their franchise agreements state.
Franchise law is complex and necessitates an experienced franchise lawyer for effective guidance. MSA can assist franchises with developing an effective legal strategy and filing all necessary documents.
Franchising can be an excellent way to expand a business model by taking advantage of another’s brand assets, but not every business structure qualifies as a franchise. To protect against unauthorized use of your name or logo design, file for trademark protection through your state Secretary of State office. Depending on where you sell franchises across the nation, registration with USPTO may also be necessary for brand protection.
Most franchise agreements contain a waiver clause that grants franchisees the right to terminate upon notice of breach, while also including terms that prevent unreasonable nonrenewals by their franchisors. These provisions typically allow franchisors to deny nonrenewals only when they can prove that a franchisee has failed to meet certain criteria specified in their contracts such as sales quotas being met, investing as per contract requirements and following operations manual instructions.
As you select franchise opportunities to invest in, be sure to factor in all startup and ongoing costs. Being aware of what will cost for starting the business can help save money or secure financing that won’t leave you financially exposed before opening doors. It also gives an idea of when your franchise might start making revenue so that you can plan accordingly.
An initial cost associated with opening your own franchise business is the franchisor fee, an upfront and one-time payment to use their brand and systems. Typical franchise fees range between $25,000 to $50,000 on average; exact amounts depend on which franchise option is being considered.
Build-out costs are another significant upfront expense. These may include furniture, fixtures, decor packages and marketing materials as well as professional fees associated with civil and architectural drawings, zoning compliance compliance and contractor fees. Depending on the franchise model selected this may also cover POS software inventory security landscaping equipment insurance coverage etc.
Most franchisees will be expected to contribute a percentage of sales toward national, regional, and local advertising campaigns. As this can quickly add up, it is crucial that all associated fees are understood prior to signing a contract. Franchisees should ask about what control they will have over their advertising dollars as well as whether any rebate or discount on contributions to an overall advertising fund exists.
Franchisees typically must pay their franchisor a portion of their gross receipts on a regular basis in return for support services such as marketing, business development and training – these fees can range anywhere from four to 12 percent of revenue so it’s essential that they understand exactly what services are included before signing any contracts.
Apart from franchise and royalty fees, other expenses associated with franchise ownership can include the preparation and review costs associated with an FDD document, attorney review fees for review of said document as well as any consultants you might need to help decide if this franchise is suitable. You’ll also need to determine how much working capital (daily cash available for operating expenses) you require before opening your doors; most franchisors advise having at least six months worth before doing business begins.
Franchise systems typically offer training programs to their new franchisees as an essential element of franchising. A training program gives franchisees a clear idea of what to expect from their business and how they can succeed; additionally, effective programs help franchisees feel more confident and competent at work; this ultimately improves employee engagement and productivity which are critical components for businesses of any kind.
Franchisees can receive training from their franchisor at either their headquarters or another location, lasting several days to several weeks and including expert instruction and questioning from franchise owners. Franchise owners may also take a tour of the headquarters and witness operations taking place firsthand during this training, along with hands-on exercises or demonstrations of equipment or services provided during this process.
Some franchisors offer online or virtual training for their franchisees. This type of instruction allows franchisees to work through materials at their own pace and on their own schedule; plus it’s an effective way of reaching more potential franchisees quickly! Many online training programs are interactive and can be completed quickly.
After receiving their initial training, most franchisees will receive ongoing field support from their franchisor for at least the initial months of their business. This support may take the form of daily phone calls with a designated representative of the franchisor to assist in the initial stages of their franchise and guide them along their path. Ongoing training programs must remain current on new products, industry trends, and technological advancements for franchisees to stay up-to-date.
Although franchising has numerous benefits, there can still be some challenges associated with it. Many franchises fail within five years due to difficulties establishing clientele and building brand awareness; this problem is more prevalent for independent startups but unlikely with franchisees who receive adequate training and support from their franchisor.
If you’re considering starting your own training franchise, do your research first and consult with a professional to make sure you meet all of the criteria of each business model. Once complete, work with an established franchise consulting firm to find one that best fits your needs.
Franchising provides businesses with an effective path for expanding their reach and brand recognition. Franchisees pay flat or commission-based royalties to the franchisor and can leverage existing customer trust of the brand to quickly bring customers through. However, franchisees still must abide by company rules and regulations which may create issues when disagreements arise regarding marketing strategies or other aspects of business operations.
As soon as a franchise opens its doors for business, it must invest in various marketing initiatives in order to establish its name and create customer awareness. These investments should include online advertising, social media campaigns, local events and any existing competition in its local area. Once established, ongoing promotional programs from corporate headquarters must also continue marketing initiatives.
One benefit of franchising is access to training programs, which can help franchisees improve their operations. While developing such support would be costly for an independent small business owner, franchising makes this support readily available – ultimately leading to increased productivity and customer retention for franchisees.
Franchising can also help mitigate risks for franchisees. This is because franchisees typically are responsible for signing lease agreements, purchasing equipment, and hiring employees themselves. Meanwhile, the franchisor typically enforces system standards while monitoring franchisees who may damage its brand image and protecting franchisees against competing franchisees who do not follow them.
As digital marketing is essential for any business, franchisees should not overlook traditional forms of promotion either. Traditional campaigns offer franchisees many benefits. One such example would be targeting potential customers on review and comparison sites such as Yelp and LinkedIn through targeted ads that only show to people likely interested in your products or services; they are cost-effective with high returns on investment (ROI) over other forms of advertising and can even target specific demographics like gender, age and location.