What You Need to Know About Rental Property Management

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By Dzhingarov

If you’re a landlord and need rental property management, there are several things that you should know. These include collecting rent, tenant screening, and limiting your liability. Read on to learn more. Rental property management is an excellent choice for any landlord. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that your rental property will be well-maintained and will be rented to qualified tenants.

Rent collection

Rent collection is an important aspect of rental property management. Without it, a landlord could face a stressful situation involving eviction or debt collection. A good rent collection service will include credit checks and criminal background checks. This service can help landlords avoid these difficult conversations and improve their cash flow. Also, rent collection tools often include an autopay feature that makes it easy for tenants to pay their rent on time. This can help minimize late payments and fees.

Depending on the nature of your business, rent collection can be an easy or a difficult process. You can personally collect rent payments, or outsource this service to a third-party. Whatever method you choose, make sure to include it in your lease agreement. You can also accept rent payments online, but you should have a secondary payment method in place.

As with any other aspect of rental property management, it’s important to make sure your rent collection policy is legally-binding. You should include it in your rental lease and ask each tenant to initial it. This way, you’ll have a document that tenants can reference if they ever need to file for eviction or court action. One key tactic in rent collection is to make your renters feel responsible for paying their rent. This can be done by reminding them of their lease obligations and giving them a discount for payment on time.

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If you own more than one rental property, in-person rent collection can be a tedious process. Alternatively, you can hire a property manager to do this for you. If you have a large complex with multiple units, you can also use drop boxes as a convenient solution. However, it’s important to use a secure drop box so tenants won’t be tempted to steal it.

Tenant screening

When it comes to rental property management, tenant screening can be very important. If the potential tenant has a clean credit history, they are much more likely to pay rent on time and take better care of the property. Conversely, tenants with blemishes on their credit report may not pay rent on time and may have long periods of unemployment. Thankfully, there are companies that specialize in tenant screening.

Tenant screening can be performed in a variety of ways, but the most reliable methods involve using a credit report and a criminal background check. If you are looking to rent to a tenant, you should request their credit report and credit score from all three major credit reporting services. These reports can give you important information about the potential tenant, including a debt-to-income ratio.

Performing a tenant screening can be very cost-effective, too. The first step is to contact a tenant screening service and request a quote. These services are usually customized to fit the needs of each client. Depending on the number of tenants you want to screen, the cost may be minimal or nonexistent.

Another important step in screening prospective tenants is to inform the tenant that there are safeguards in place to protect tenants from discrimination. During the screening process, a tenant may be able to request a copy of the screening report. Tenant screening companies must notify tenants of these rights and the right to dispute the accuracy of the report.

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Limiting landlord liability

When a landlord hires a resident property manager, he or she may wish to limit their responsibilities. After all, the landlord is their employer and controls their wages and schedule. Therefore, it is imperative to carefully screen and vet potential resident managers. Check their credit reports and references. Check with the local real estate association as well.

Hiring a third party property management firm can limit landlord liability and prevent costly legal mistakes. These firms can offer legal representation and advise you on insurance options. In addition to that, they can help limit your legal exposure and limit judgments. In addition, these companies can provide legal representation if your tenant files a lawsuit.

Another effective way to limit liability is to require your rental group to obtain liability insurance. This insurance can cover property damage and bodily injury. A rental agreement should require the rental group to provide a certificate of insurance, and you should be listed as an additional insured on the policy. Further, you can use a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) to separate your business and personal assets.

In addition to limiting your own liability, you should ensure that your lease contains clauses that restrict the use of property facilities. For example, you should not allow tenants to use the property facilities unless they are properly cleaned, or if they commit a crime. Furthermore, you should never rent your rental property to tenants who commit illegal activities. Moreover, it is against the law to accept payments made in cash. You should also not tolerate disruptive tenants who refuse to pay rent. You should include such prohibitions in the lease agreement and make sure to watch out for any suspicious activity.

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