The 5 Best Business Books For Novice Businessmen

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By Dzhingarov

In order to be a really good businessman you need to gain knowledge, as much as you can and in a short period of time. There are various business books that were written and that keep getting written and it is such a shame to see that many novices still rely on a few words that they find on sites.


Best Business Book

Image courtesy of [Michelle Meiklejohn] /

It is hard to compile a list of the best business books for novice businessmen. That is due to the fact that we have to think about being unique. Some people will respond better to some advice while others might find the same advice as being unappealing. While that is understandable, we still recommend that you dedicate enough time to reading all the books that we are about to mention. You will surely love the knowledge that you get from them. We will not arrange them in the order of importance. Every single one of the best business books below is important.

  1. Daniel Pink – Drive

One of the most important parts in business is to understand what makes people motivated. This books is great as the main focus is put on inner motivation, something that is necessary in order to be able to compete in today’s strong business environment. You will not have money in the beginning and there are various situations when you may want to quit. Drive helps you to stay on track.

  1. Dale Carnegie – How To Win Friends And Influence People

Before you start doing business or you even think about opening something, you need to read this book. You will learn a lot about emphasizing with people, build relationship and basically influence others. That is something that is needed in a business environment as you will be a public figure, whether you like it or not.

  1. Bruce Patton, William L. Ury and Roger Fisher – Getting To Yes, Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
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Every good businessman has strong negotiation skills. This is not something that you are born with. It is something that you study, practice and get better at. However, if you do not know the foundations of negotiations, you will surely fail. This is a book that teaches you how to be a strong and SMART negotiator. It is something that will help you with every aspect of life, not just with business.

  1. Seth Godin – Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers Into Friends And Friends Into Customers

Seth Godin is listed by many as being the main inspiration that they had in marketing. There is a good reason for that. So many books that he wrote so far are awesome for both beginners and professionals. This one is perfect as it basically highlighted what social media marketing is at the moment before it actually appeared. Although published in 1999, this is a book that is really useful today for aspiring marketers.

  1. Michael Gerber – The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work And What To Do About It

Any beginner that owns a small business needs to read this book. We warmly recommend it, especially if you are faced with a technical business owner persona like florists, accountants, lawyers and consultants. This is a business book that will help you to scale up and work on your company instead of in your firm, which is crucial for growth.