Customer satisfaction is vital for the success of any business and creating surveys to check customer satisfaction is something that everyone should know how to do. If you do not know how satisfied the customer is you have no idea if you need to make changes or not. If you know what the customers think, you can offer better services and products. This is exactly what you have to remember about customer support. When the surveys are created the following stand out as being the most important of all questions you could include.
Are You Likely To Recommend The Company?
You want to always include this question, usually with a scale of 1 to 10 and a follow up question in WHY so that you can understand exactly if the customers are satisfied or not. If the customers are happy with what you offer, there is a pretty good possibility that the products and services of your company will be recommended. If not, you want to learn why so that you can improve on this.
How Would You Describe The Product?
Many businessmen do not really care about this but it is a mistake to think it does not count. In many cases you want this question to be an open-ended one so that you can receive as many answers as possible. The answers are basically showing you if the communication campaigns you ran are adding value or if they do not actually properly present the product. Always focus on these answers to see how you can communicate with your customers.
What Are The 3 Features That Are Valuable For You?
Such a question would be particularly useful when looking at the SaaS companies. A product would basically offer many different features so the business managers have to know which ones are more valuable. Customers might interact with what you offer in a different way than what you expect. When you focus on features that are not of the highest importance for the potential customers, you get less clients than what you could.
What Features Would You Like To See Added?
In business it is really important that you offer what customers need so that retention can be improved. When the product does not give the client all that is desired, eventually a brand new provider is going to be found. If you do not know what features you miss you cannot make the changes necessary to improve your product in the future. Asking this question in a customer satisfaction survey offers valuable data to help businesses move towards a profitable long term direction.
Are You Likely To Buy From Us Again In The Future?
Many business owners now use Google Analytics in order to see repeat customers but this does not actually offer all the data that would be available through a customer satisfaction survey. After all, people can end up buying a really long time in the future. Just think about furniture or cars. Such items are not bought every single month. Because of this, asking the question in the survey helps to see if you provided a really good service or not.
Final Thoughts
The 5 questions highlighted above should be seen as basic but really important. You definitely want to research more so that you can create a very good survey. If you never did something like this, the best thing possible is to hire professionals that are experienced in customer satisfaction surveys. You want to be sure that the information you receive in the survey will actively allow you to increase customer satisfaction in the future.