PR Tips Startups Should Use

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By Dzhingarov

Statistics show that there are over thirty start-ups in Europe, US and China that have a value of over $1 billion. That is a number that will definitely grow since we have hundreds of millions of start-ups that open their doors every single year. Competition is quickly becoming quite brutal.

The toughest part of running a start-up is getting through the beginning. It is important to make some noise while cutting through the noise that the competition makes. The importance of PR is really high and every single start-up out there needs to understand that public relations campaigns are a necessity. All the tips below can help you compete better.

Get Ready

Before you even think about using PR campaigns, you have to be sure that the product you are to sell is of a very high quality. If the product does not perform properly, product reviews will not be good and reporters are not going to cover anything. You can end up with negative press, which is so hard to deal with on the long run. Only employ PR strategies when you are ready for positive feedback.

Establishing Brand Identity

You need to know who you are before you can tell anyone who you are. This means that it is vital to establish your own brand identity before you use any strategy. This includes:

  • Values
  • Company culture
  • The differences with the competitors
  • What will make you unique
  • What the company makes differently

Share The Story

You need to learn how to communicate the story of the firm. After establishing identities, it is time to work hard on creating narratives, or what is commonly referred to as a start-up story. That is what helps you to stand out of the crowd, press, investors and even your potential clients. That aids you to connect with the audience properly. Make sure that company name is used in narratives. Also, do not use superlatives as they are not as effective as they used to be and people see right through them.

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CEO Visibility Is A Necessity

The founder or the CEO is the mouthpiece of any company. It is important that this is understood because the individual will play a huge role in shaping the brand, culture and image of a company. Because of this, the person has to be completely visible for the public. A proper social media presence and a press relationship is positive. This is what helps you to share the story in a flawless way.

Never Ignore Social Media

It is really important that you stay above everything. The brand that you promote needs to be present on social media. Only when you create a properly engaging social media plan you can grow the online presence. Social media strategy execution is what allows the firm to establish credibility and identity in an industry. Set yourself up as a pioneer and a thought leader. Time has to be dedicated to engage with followers directly, share information and answer questions.

Always Hire When Help Is Needed

It is difficult to launch a start-up and really strong PR strategies have to be implemented but this is a huge challenge for many. The truth is that many of the start-up owners do not actually know much about the industry and how public relations work. With this in mind, whenever you feel that something goes wrong, you have to hire someone that can help you. An experienced PR firm is going to help out the start-up in order to establish a proper identity while also communicating the story properly, to the right individuals.