Business Trends To Be On The Lookout For This Year

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By Boris Dzhingarov

As we all know, business tends to change as time passes. There are new trends that appear on a constant basis and it is really important that we anticipate them. If we manage to do this, we can take advantage of the great trends while avoiding the negatives associated with promoting our business in an improper way.

In order to get a better understanding of what will happen in the future, let us think about some business trends that are sure to be big in 2014. It is a guarantee that these will count a lot and we all need to take these into account.

Online Activity Becomes An Information Source For The Recruiter

A few years ago the recruiters did not even think about checking Facebook to gain information about a person that they think about hiring. This already changed and as this year rolls on, there is a huge possibility that the trend will become stronger. This is also important for business owners or managers and generally speaking, everyone will start to learn more about people based on social media activity.

Companies are constantly looking for great staff. This is completely normal and the information that can be gained from social networks is huge. It is a certainty that we will see companies looking directly for staff through various social networking channels from LinkedIn to Facebook.

College Degrees Will No Longer Be So Important

We already see many different job postings that say nothing about the college degree. While having one is definitely a good thing, it is important to simply move over that degree in the sense that it is no longer enough to get a really good job. Unfortunately, many people that go through college are not actually prepared for the tough business environment we live in.

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Colleges know this and are already making modifications in order to better prepare students for the working world. The vast majority of colleges already require internships or working experience that is gained while attending faculty. The mentors started to work really close with students so that they can help in proper development.

To put it as simple as possible, businesses are much more interested in the practical side of things and that highly influences decisions. It is now tough to get a job as a manager as soon as you finish college and the same thing can be said about many other jobs.

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Entrepreneurship Will Evolve Even More

Technology has a huge influence on all businesses, small and large. It helps in moving forward and modern entrepreneurs can basically build a company without a really large investment. In the past this was not possible. Because of this setting, we now have the possibility of opening our own business really fast.

It is quite obvious that new entrepreneurs will pop-up in all industries. A sign of this is the emergence and increased popularity of blogs for entrepreneurs. When the demand is high for information about how to open a company or how to be an entrepreneur, it is obvious that we are looking at a growing business trend.

More Investments Made By Millennials And Women

We are looking at demographic shifts that are totally understandable. The modern investors no longer put all their money in one investment. They simply try to minimize risks and make more money by making more investments, with the purpose of increasing the possibility of making a higher profit and lowering the possibility of losing money. We also see more money given to charities.

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Millennials are surely going to invest more in 2014 as we now get to see a much better understanding of business in general. Values will be expressed through investment dollars.

Business Success Will Be Linked To Leader Agility

There are many things that we think about when analyzing a business manager like operational skills, leadership ability and experience. The problem is that till now we did not actually think about learning agility. This is becoming crucial in the modern business environment. It is really important that you realize the fact that you surely do not know everything and the successful companies will be run by those that keep learning on a constant basis.

The communication channels between professionals will be more and more used. We will see people learning from each other with the main goal of creating business partnerships or at least exchanging information.

More Businesses Will Move Online

When comparing the costs associated with having a brick and mortar store and having an online store, it is quite obvious what the best choice is. While it is not expected to see stores that close, we will see many that try to take advantage of online selling and businesses that will strictly sell products and services on the internet. We expect to see more such sites than ever before since the profit potential is definitely huge as we get to expand to markets we cannot touch through a regular, physical location.

What Do You Expect To See?

It is obvious that more business trends will appear as the months pass. With this in mind, what do you think will change in the way we handle business in general? Do you expect to see more companies move online or a stricter policy in recruiting staff? We would love to hear from you since we can all learn more and become better when sharing knowledge.

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