How Being Energy Efficient Can Help You Save Money

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By Dzhingarov

With the current economic climate, not many people can afford to pay more for their energy. There is a looming energy crisis and it is thought that with this will come increased energy prices for the average homeowner. Whether you choose to complete large changes, such as installing solar panels or investing in insulation to simply changing some of your light bulbs or turning down the heating, they will all save you money, helping you to save for that extra bit of spending money.

Insulating your home is one of the most common ways of being energy efficient and consequently saving you money. Most people usually choose to insulate their attic and walls and can help save a lot of money. If you have your home insulated, it means your thermostat can be turned down, meaning your heating bills will be considerably lower than they were previously. This is due to less heat escaping through your walls and ceiling, making it a perfect option when it comes to saving money.

The Green Deal is a Government initiative that has been put in place in order to help people become more energy efficient and consequently save money. The scheme will allow homeowners to be helped financially when it comes to making home improvements, giving grants to those who want make their home more energy efficient. This means you won’t have to pay the costs of the renovations up front, allowing for both short and long-term financial savings. The costs of the work comes out of the homeowner’s monthly energy bills and if they decide to sell the outstanding costs goes to the next owner. It is a great option for those who can’t afford to carry out home improvements and will most likely improve the value of your property.

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By User:Lcarsdata [CC-BY-SA-2.5, GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
By User:Lcarsdata [CC-BY-SA-2.5, GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

There are some things that the green deal cannot help with, including replacing old appliances, turning your heating and water down and turning off the lights. Older appliances aren’t as efficient as newer ones, making your energy prices rise considerably. A lot of people also have their thermostat turned up unnecessarily, making your bills higher. Try to turn down the heating and water to an appropriate level, making the savings that bit bigger. Something we are probably all guilty of is leaving a room and leaving the light switched on and it is, in effect slowly burning our money.

You may also choose to change your light bulbs in order to make bigger savings. LED light bulbs are becoming extremely popular with more homeowners and have been taken on by numerous businesses and councils all over the country. Although they have a large initial price, they costs of running them are extremely low, making them a desirable option. LED lighting is considerably brighter than incandescent and energy saving bulbs and are friendlier to the environment due to the lack of mercury. Although you may not be able to afford to fit your whole house with LED bulbs, changing just a few is sure to make a huge difference to your next energy bill.